Mind Wanting More (poem by Holly Hughes)
...as if this quiet day with its tentative light weren't enough, as if joy weren't strewn all around.
Thanksgiving (Poem by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer)
I want to serve you full choruses of hallelujah, oh so wholly here in this moment. Oh so holy here...
As Thyself (poem by Sandra Luerssen Hoerner)
Then I knew I loved my neighbor even better than before, for now I loved him as myself and loved myself much...
To Be of Use (Poem by Marge Piercy)
The pitcher cries for water to carry and a person for work that is real.
Blessed Are You (Poem by Fred Turpin)
Blessed are you who rage at injustice, yet at peace deep within the heart.
The Fall of the Leaf (Poem by Henry David Thoreau)
Grown tired of this rank summer's wealth, Its raw and superficial show...
When Someone Deeply Listens to You (poem by John Fox)
When someone deeply listens to you, your bare feet are on the earth and a beloved land that seemed distant is now...
Hope (Emily Dickinson Poem with Bird Photos)
“Hope” is the thing with feathers – That perches in the soul –...
I Love My Life (Poem by Alex Cook)
I love my life More than I ever thought I could Because I’ve learned I can’t die.