New Poem by Me: Immaculate One
Immaculate One Self (innocent, perfect, pure) conscious (cognizant, alert, attentive, sentient) communion (trustingly at one) with God (inseparable omniscient...
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New Poem by Me: Virginia’s 18th Birthday
Virginia’s 18th Birthday My oldest turned 18 quietly and without fanfare. She danced in her day at an end-of-the-term...
New Poem by me: Peripheral Gratitude
Peripheral Gratitude The obvious stuff I’m grateful for too But these often unstated things need to be added to...
New Poem by Me: Thanksgiving 2009
Thanksgiving 2009 I’m thankful for God, infinite, ever-present, all-powerful good who wanted me, made me and actually loves me....
New Poem by Me: Compassion Not Criticism
Compassion Not Criticism When you criticize you fail to comprehend that everyone is dealing with more than anyone can...
My New Poem: Yearning
Yearning I’m too deep for friendship too raw and ready open and creative and capable difficult to understand while...
Poem: I Am From
Last year one of the evening activities at Creative Arts Camp was led by Heather Vogel Frederick an author...
Homeschool Graduation Haiku
The house is scrubbed clean For the big graduation All the books are shelved. A tent in the rain...