New Poem by Me: Pedal Downhill
Pedal Downhill I like to coast effortlessly gliding, wind-in-my-face exhilarating – I’ll deal with that next hill when I...
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New Poem by me: A Pentecostal Vibe
A Pentecostal Vibe We are the body of Christ (and members in particular) with all its necessary parts...
New Poem by me: My Dad
My Dad He met my mom (his deeply cherished wife of 63 years) in high school Latin class;...
New Poem by me: My Dad Died Today
My Dad Died Today Alzheimer’s steals so slowly increment by devastating increment an excruciating smidgen here a morsel...
New Poem by me: Purge Belief and Wear Only Understanding
Purge Belief and Wear Only Understanding It is clear that the opposite of Truth is error. A mistake...
New Poem by me: Five Smooth Stones
Five Smooth Stones David, calmly confident went after Goliath armed with five carefully chosen smooth stones. Turns out, he...
New Poem by me: Hubris
Hubris I’m fighting hopelessness as earthquake chasms sever and break apart – it’s catastrophic enough without leaving intentionally constructed,...
New Poem by Me: Marriage a Secure Friendship
Marriage a Secure Friendship It’s the last day of the long President’s Day weekend. All our children were away:...
My Haiku in the Aftermath of Arizona Shootings
I am so appalled why harsh violence happens when Love is power Precious, innocent people killed so brutally unnecessary...
Color Poems (Poetry Without Words)
A lot of the painting I’ve been doing lately is of meditative poetic expression without words. What do you...
New Poem by Me: God Never Martyrs One Idea In Favor of Another
God Never Martyrs One Idea in Favor of Another The lion lying with the lamb, each dwelling in their...