Early Fall Color
We are surrounded by beauty if we will only take the time to look. Here are some photos...
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Photos of a Hot Walk at New Pond Farm
When it is hovering just below 100˚ with lots of humidity it can feel like the longest day of...
Laurel Ridge Daffodils
My husband and I had a great time this morning visiting the thousands of daffodils at Laurel Ridge in...
Photos from a Hike in the Woods
It was delightful to get out into the woods today – the first time since fall. The skunk...
Fabulous Forsythia
This is the fabulous forsythia outside the pottery studio I work in on Tuesday mornings... What a treat...
Spring Peepers!
I love the advent of spring peepers. They are roaring over here, and I just bask in their sound....
Photos from Today’s Hike at Huntington
My daughter and I had a great hike today at Huntington State Park. Thousands of trees were down and...
Photos of Cabbage
Here is some fodder for abstract paintings… Cut one in half and it is a completely different experience of...
Hurricane Irene
Well, we were out of power four days. The first evening we all played Settler’s of Catan by candlelight...
Hungry Mother State Park
We are on our way to Destination Imagination Globals, which has allowed us to visit a good friend...