Leaf Litter Photos (& a Lesson on Mindfulness)
Let it be a lesson on mindfulness, so none of us miss all the small gems of choreographed moments...
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The Web (Chief Seattle Quote)
We did not weave the web of life; we are just a strand in it. Whatever we do to the...
Photos from Hikes in the Palo Duro Canyon 2018
Hiking in the Palo Duro Canyon is kind of a pilgrimage for us each time we visit Amarillo. This...
Photos from Elaine’s Cabin in Texas (with Sunrises)
Little did we know that we'd have a front row seat for each sunrise! The ever-changing light was magnificent.
Pumpkin Photos 2018
What better way to celebrate than appreciate nature’s delicious bounty and the myriad variety of pumpkins?
Photo Walk in Putnam State Park
This is Putnam State Park in early autumn, before the first frost, taken with my iphone, with no filters...
Dramatic October Clouds (Photos)
I snapped these photos this month, rejoicing in what we were having, instead of pinning after what we...
A Season of Many Mushrooms (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Mushrooms nudge and cling everywhere through the wet and rain with soggy feet no wonder they are shaped like umbrellas
Photo Walk: Early Fall in Huntington State Park 2018
Follow along with me on this long walk at Huntington State Park, which overlaps the borders of three towns...
Beautiful Clouds at Wethersfield Cove (Photos)
I loved the deepness of the blue, combined with the featheriness of the transitioning clouds, and the gorgeousness...
September Reservoir Photos
I pulled over in this beautiful spot in Easton, where the swans live, to enjoy some bright but moody...
Summer is Waning at the Quarry Swimming Hole (Photos)
I often seem to want to capture this place on my iPhone, and this post shows the little reflection...