Polly’s 20 for 2020 (Year End Accountability Summary)
I did pretty well on my 20 resolutions for 2020, especially considering what a different year it was!
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Loom our Younger Daughter Made from Saplings in Our Yard
Our daughter made this amazing warp weighted loom last summer.
Photos of First Ice of the Fall
There is great reward in being mindful of the varied expressions of beauty around us.
Quotes from Abraham Heschel’s book The Sabbath
Here are some thoughtful bits from a Jewish classic about the Sabbath.
Photos from November Hikes 2020
Check out these shots of the wonder and transience of nature that I captured with my iPhone, all taken...
Pondering Calm Reflections
This is reality, perfect reflection, highlighted by light– fascinating in all it's detail and abstract qualities.
Awareness (Book Review with Quotes)
If you need to freshen up your perspective, give this interfaith overview of conscious awakening a go. You'll be...
Photos from Recent Autumn Hikes at Huntington
Nature is a balm for the soul. Check out these lovely photos of the procession of autumn foliage here.
Destroying the Sins of Others (Deep Think #13)
Can you behold a sinner as God's own likeness in the kingdom of heaven right now? If you do,...
Reminding Myself (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Shrug off blasé. Bravely and authentically engage with Life. Experience and interface with depth.