How to Overcome Regret
I have been hugely benefited by loosening the clutch of regret through forgiveness, reframing, and finding gratitude where I...
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Mirror Work (Book Review with Quotes and Affirmations)
If you actually do what she says here you will have some epiphanies and will make progress in your...
Abstract Face Play (Experiments Part 1)
Let's try something new: include people in our abstract paintings without being literal or realistic, or putting the eyes...
The Beginner’s Mind (Richard Rohr Quote)
Jesus says the only people who can recognize and be ready for what he’s talking about are the ones...
Ask Me a Question!
I can't say I'll answer everything, but I'm generally open, so we'll see what you want to know. Should...
My Article is Featured this Week for Women’s History Month
It is fun to have this highlighted and to read again this blast from the past.
Who is Behind the Driver’s Wheel? (Anne Lamott quote)
His profound sense of control, in the world and over his life, was just another addiction, and a total...
Pity and Praise are both Projections (Quote by Jena Schwartz)
Pity and praise are forms of judgment or expressions of fear that keep us from really knowing each other....
Recent Pages in My Bible Lesson Journal
This Bible study packs a huge blessing and my notes are improving with the benefit of my calligraphy pens.
Gratitude (quote by David Whyte)
Gratitude is not a passive response to something we have been given, gratitude arises from paying attention, from being...
The Breath of Immortality (New Mixed Media Painting)
Lately, I've been thinking about how we don’t have to do something remarkable and earn our immortality, we already...