Show Hung at White Silo Winery for December
I'm pleased to report that 17 paintings are hung in the White Silo Winery in Sherman CT for the...
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Photos of October Hikes in Huntington State Park 2021
I love all the color, shape, form and texture. I love the fresh air and paying attention. Being there...
Amazing Mushroom Sighting
Find something around you today that strikes you as an incredible act of nature. If you are paying attention,...
Flowers and Produce from our Yard (October 2021)
We've had many gallons of tomatoes, lots of peppers, both large and small, raspberries, herbs, arugula, zinnia, elephant ears,...
September Hike Photos from Huntington 2021
Follow me around through the photos on this post as I revel in my local nature.
Late Summer Farmer’s Market (Still Life Photography: Produce and Flowers )
I can see how these weekly visuals totally effect my art, can't you?
Produce from our Garden 2021 (Part 1)
You are looking here at garlic scapes, zucchini, romaine lettuce, kale, parsley, turnips, kohlrabi, peas, and three different kinds...
Photos of July Hikes in Huntington State Park 2021
In these photos you can traipse with me these special paths, and see what drew my attention, in all...
Books I Bought at the Newtown Library Sale 2021
This glorious library sale is a perfect example of the happy abundance that comes from having more with less.
Sunflower Sisters (Book Review)
I enjoyed this sweeping Civil War-era novel that follows the story of three female characters, whose paths become intertwined...