Spiritual Thoughts About Money and Supply (Deep Think #10)
Let's look at the divine source of supply ever acting during this unusual time.
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The Calm Before the Storm (New Painting of Jesus Washing Feet)
While Jesus knew he was to be killed the next day, this is how he spent the evening before:...
Two New Paintings in Pastel (Hosanna and Palm Sunday)
These two new paintings are a great way to celebrate Jesus' grand entrance to Jerusalem.
Recent Bible Lesson Journal Study Pages
I have found writing down what I'm are working on spiritually is a helpful practice. It may be helpful...
20 Ways to Follow Jesus in 2020
Following Jesus' example in these ways could make 2020 your best year yet.
Peek Inside my Bible Lesson Study Journal
Here's another peak into my Bible Lesson journal to encourage you to have a similar practice of wrestling with...
The Bible Speaks to You Podcast is Launched
My husband's new podcast is wonderful! Give it a listen and subscribe.
The Accessibility of God as Abba (Quote from Phillip Yancey)
How approachable is God? God is eager and available for an intimate, supportive relationship with you.
Celebrating God as Mother (quote by Jenny Morris)
'Like the eagle that stirs up its nest, and hovers over its young, God spreads wings to catch you,...
Denial of Material Selfhood and Taking Up the Cross
Christ Jesus once said to his disciples, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and...