Little Screens: A Tool and Not a Trance
Be in charge of this tool instead of having it dominate you.
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“Why Would God Do This to Me?” (Polly Preaching #5)
We have dominion and agency. Let's use it to be aligned with an infinite, all good God.
Some Thoughts on Painting “Style”
There is a formula for choosing and having a painting style. Otherwise you can just be yourself.
Animal Magnetism (New Metaphysical Poem by Polly Castor)
Anything that is not joy is animal magnetism.
Advice to Artists (new Poem by Polly Castor)
...as the quality sky rockets and someday you'll arrive.
Spiritual Thoughts About Money and Supply (Deep Think #10)
Let's look at the divine source of supply ever acting during this unusual time.
Thoughts from Covid-19 Isolation (#1)
Solitude is something to enjoy too, a nurturing thing that gets us beyond the noise of daily static, deep...
Tips for Working from Home
I've worked from home for 23 years, so here are some tips for those of you newly thrust into...
Slip out of the Noose of Your Anxious Self (Sogyal Rinpoche quote)
"Above all, be at ease, be as natural and spacious as possible...