I’m in this Guilford Art Center Show
Wade in the Water, the painting I did recently at camp, is hanging right now in a show in...
I’m in this Elite “Enduring Brilliance” Show (2023)
I've applied in the past, but this is the first time I've been included.
Watch this Video about my Art
I made this video to go on the home page of my new art website, which is still in...
Wade in the Water (New Large Painting by Polly Castor)
This painting depicts the negro spiritual Wade in the Water, and was painted beside the water while this music...
Finale (New Conceptual Painting in Pastel)
When you think of finale, do you think of music or fireworks?
Exchanging Things into Thoughts (New Large Conceptual Painting in Pastel)
This painting is inspired by a favorite quote.