My Art Year in Review 2017
Here is the first of a series of yearly retrospectives of my artwork and shows. This summarizes my art...
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Two New Abstract Paintings
I've started some experimental abstract pieces, of which these are the first two completed.
Chambers of the Heart (New Large Abstract Painting)
Here is my latest painting titled Chambers of the Heart. It is large: 36"x36" and done in acrylic. This...
Expressions in Paint Workshop by Claire Desjardins
Here are my notes and photos from Clair Desjardin's Expressions in Paint workshop at the Helen Day Art Center...
Three New Non-Objective Paintings (that I don’t love)
I made these three big paintings (36″x36″) in a worksop in Vermont last weekend.I don’t really like these; I...
Recent Non-Objective Work in my Artist’s Journal
I enjoy my artist's journal as a place to try out ideas and techniques. Here is what I've done...
What is Abstract Conceptualism?
I would like to promote abstract conceptualism for I believe that the mixture of metaphysical abstract thought required, together...
Exercise: Gestural Abstract Painting
So many things at camp are about movement. All artists are about moving thought. In this exercise we were...
Abstract Painting Exercise: Pouring, Spraying, Throwing Paint
I had a great time doing these. I threw, spattered, and poured paint. It was especially fun to drop...
New Abstract Conceptualist Painting in Pastel: July
In this post you can see what July feels like to me, full of sun and water, cool evenings...
Recent Artist Journal Pages
My artist's journal is a place to catch a quick idea, or try out ideas before investing time in...
My One Woman Show Opens at the Essex Public Library
My one woman show has opened in the Essex, Connecticut Public Library this week. If you are in the...