Limited Palette Value Study in Pastel (Tree Bark and Leaves)
The strong contrast, the interesting broken line mark making, and the diagonal design element bringing energy to the piece,...
A Page in My Artist Journal (Process Photos of See No Evil)
The series of images below gives you a good idea how non-objective work evolves.
Now on YouTube: My PowerPoint Talk on Abstraction
Settle in, and I'll inundate you with ideas and images. Hopefully, it will teach you to understand and appreciate...
Three New Non-Objective Abstractions in my Artist Journal
This kind of work adds to my understanding of how materials influence a piece's outcome, as well as generates...
My New Solo Show Opened Yesterday! (Photos)
The reception yesterday was well attended, and I really appreciate everyone who was able to come.
Global Warming 2021 (New Conceptualist Painting in Pastel)
This is the first of a yearly series I am undertaking to depict where we stand in the climate...
Desire is Prayer (New Large Abstract Conceptualist Painting in Acrylic)
I love the fact that desire is prayer itself. But how does one depict the abstract concept of desire?
Eight Commissioned Colorful Abstractions
I like thinking of these commissioned pieces making for a happy workplace.
Autumnal Equinox (New Large Painting in Acrylic)
This painting depicts the Autumnal Equinox, this time of year, when day and night are of equal length, and...
August Light (Third Artist-in-Residency Painting 2021)
This painting aims to capture that special kind of light in the forest during August, that shimmers against the...