Confidence (pastel) by Polly Castor
Since my art scene is galloping away with itself, I thought I would harness as a new blog feature a yearly retrospective of my shows and work as a way to keep tabs on it all.
It has been a busy year, with 36 main works painted, two one woman shows, 18 total shows (7 of which were juried for admission), and three awards. I took three classes– with Eric Chamberlain, Claire DeJardins, and Deb Quinn-Munson– not including pottery studio time. Additionally, I had a very positive portfolio review with Sandra Burshell of the American Pastel Society, and was featured in the Connecticut Pastel Society Newsletter. I sold a lot of sgraffito pottery by commission this past year, and I started giving talks on abstraction to groups, which I will continue in the New Year.
Here are links to this past year:
Polly Castor’s Shows, Talks, and Awards in 2017:
Madison Art Society Members Show
Connecticut Pastel Society Show (received Merit (cash) Award)
Guilford Arts Society Collage Show
Ridgefield Guild of Artists Members Show
One Woman Show (at the Bethel Library)
Powerpoint Talk on Abstraction to the Guilford Arts League
Madison Art Society Juried Show (became an “elected member”)
Essex Art Association Juried Show
New Pond Farm Invitational Art Show
Endworks Out of Darkness Juried Show
Essex Art Association Members Show
One Woman Show (at the Essex Library)
Essex Art Association Juried Show
Guilford Arts League Juried Show
Ridgefield Guild of Artist’s Juried Show (honorable mention)
Artist’s Walk and Talk (on YouTube)
Renaissance in Pastel National Juried Show (received Allied Artists cash award)
13th Annual Festive Home Show
Artwork by Polly Castor done in 2017:
Fingerprint of destiny (monoprint collage)
The Golden Hour (monoprint collage)
From Violence to Hope (pastel)
Reaching for the Light (pastel)
Crown of Petals (large monoprint collage)
Youth Symphony (large monoprint collage)
Light in the Heights (monoprint collage)
Deep Shade in the Sunken Garden (plein air pastel)
Spring Tree at New Pond Farm (plein air pastel)
To the Left of the Entrance at New Pond Farm (pastel)
Rhododendrons in the Sunken Garden (pastel)
Quarry on the First Day of Summer (plein air oil)
Amaranth in the Gardens at Hollandia (pastel)
Down the Road from Oz (acrylic)
Leaning Tree at Camp Newfound (plein air acrylic)
Overcoming Subtleties (acrylic)
Simpaug Pond in October (pastel)
Chambers of the Heart (acrylic)
In addition to giving talks on abstraction next year and making sgraffito pottery for sale, I am scheduled to teach two ongoing art classes to homeschoolers, and already have two one woman shows scheduled for 2018: one starting next week in Byrds Books independent bookstore in Bethel, CT (for small works), and a large show of 80 works next October in a gallery in Southington, CT.
Thanks for being with me as this continues to unfold!

On the Way to Church (pastel) by Polly Castor
I think you’re a one woman wonder! I marvel at how you find time for painting, pottery, reading interesting books, and your work as a practitioner. Makes me see I have no excuse not to get more done in a day. Thank you for your daily sharings.
God is infinite and we all reflect that! Life is not about time; it is about Love.
I second Anita’s comment. You are amazing. I so admire you and your interesting pursuits.