Future of Christian Science in Connecticut Meeting
Church, after all in Christian Science is defined as, "that institution, which affords proof of its utility and is...
Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Journal
I find the process of journaling while I study really helpful in making it my own. Doing it also...
Was there an Eclipse when Jesus was on the Cross?
We are talking about power so HUGE it is mind-boggling to contemplate.
Every Healing a Resurrection (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Jesus practiced on others what he knew he needed to do for himself.
Some of my Favorite Cruciforms
The cross is not only an enduring symbol throughout history, stemming from the dramatic events remembered on this day,...
Entering into Victory (New Palm Sunday Poem by Polly Castor)
Live forever beyond the bounds of matter or fear.
Human Will Dethroned (Quote by Paul Stark Seeley)
The human self must be lost in love, the human will dethroned...
“Work, work work, watch, and pray.” (Deep Think #25)
You need all five parts in the right ratio to make your calling and election sure.
Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Journal
I have occasionally posted my one page per week notes on Bible Lesson topics in the past, and some...
Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Journal
I find the process of journaling while I study really helpful in making it my own. Doing so also...
The Bible as a Verb (Listen to Me be Interviewed on the Podcast)
You can listen in and hear some of what the Bible says we should be doing.