Quote of Richard Rohr Remarking on Carl Jung’s Work
We all must find an inner authority that we can trust that is bigger than our own.
Expand Your Thought to Include More Good
Malpractice is more about the negativity you think about yourself, than what anyone else is thinking!
The Untethered Soul (Book Review with Quotes)
If you need to gain more objectivity over your thoughts and feelings to experience more freedom, this would be...
Inspiring Words by Albert Einstein
“The more I learn of physics, the more I am drawn to metaphysics.”
The Connection Between Spirituality and Art
Briefly explained here are the three ways in which art and spirituality are closely connected.
Mount Rainier’s Still There (Poem and Photos by Karen Molenaar Terrell)
We are the manifestations and expressions of Love.
A Universe is Fashioned (Poem by Elsie Hill Ainsworth)
On the looms of Spirit, in the woof and warp of eternal substance, perfection is patterned.
Mingled Seed (Polly Preaching #9)
"Thou shalt not sew thy field with mingled seed." (Lev 19:19). What does that mean?