Grace Notes #29 (with Photos)
I am furthering my ongoing goal of appreciating such a continuous, overflowing abundance of random good.
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Bits and Clips for September 2020
I hope you find something inspiring, motivational, helpful, and interesting in this long collection, and I hope you look...
Memes About Creativity
The quotes on these memes capture in quick snapshots the essence of this concept that the dictionary defines as...
Photos of Three Hikes on Two Day Trips (with Links)
Try the All Trails App to get out and see some new scenery a little further out from your...
“More Blessed to Give than Receive” and Unselfing (Deep Think #12)
Let's give God's gifts to others from the place of our "unselfed better self," and receive the blessings. Get...
Bits and Clips for August 2020
I hope you find something in the links and art and many memes below that inspires, educates, motivates, interests,...
Regarding the Democratic National Convention
I found much reason to hope, and pray you will all vote.