Encourage Imagination (Quote by Ursula Le Guin)
I believe that one of the most deeply human, and humane, of these faculties is the power of imagination…
Expand Your Thought to Include More Good
Malpractice is more about the negativity you think about yourself, than what anyone else is thinking!
2022 Calendars of Polly Castor’s Art Available for Short Time
The two 2022 calendars that are currently available at my solo show, I wanted to make available to you...
Be Totally Receptive (Quote by Jean Klein)
To arrive at aesthetic experience we must be totally receptive, welcoming, free from memory, so that we are open...
Come to my Large Solo Show Opening November 7
There are 77 paintings in the show, done in 2020 and 2021. Hope to see you there!
Bits and Clips for October 2021
In all these links, memes, photos, paintings and poems, I hope you find something here inspiring, educational, motivating, beautiful,...
Inspiring Words by Albert Einstein
“The more I learn of physics, the more I am drawn to metaphysics.”
Our Youngest Daughter Starts a YouTube Channel
Our younger daughter is a "maker supreme, and now you can watch her projects unfold on Youtube.