Reading Challenge for 2023
Thank you for your input for this year's Reading Challenge! Here it is!
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Merry Christmas 2022
I hope you have a wonderful day, however you spend it, whether in festivities with family and friends, or...
Giving Tuesday (Plea for Blog Donations)
Thank you for being here and for helping make this little inspirational corner of the internet an ad-free oasis.
What We Emphasize Determines our Lives (Howard Zinn quote)
Live now as we think human beings should live...
I am Woman Hear Me Roar (New Large Abstract Painting in Pastel)
I kept thinking of that Helen Reddy song from back in 1971,”I am Woman Hear Me Roar in Numbers...
I am not the Source
It brings immediate relief from a whole menu of concerns, and frees me to have a brilliant day, joyfully...
Life, Truth, and Love Always Work (Deep Think #21)
You very much CAN rely on the omnipotence of Truth to set you straight, divine Love to remove your...
Announcing New Affiliate Link for Dick Blick Art Materials
Click on the “Shop Now” button and a portion of sales will go to support this website. Thank you!