Starting A New Paragraph (New Poem by Polly Castor)

Starting A New Paragraph (New Poem by Polly Castor)

Starting a New Paragraph, poem by Polly Castor

Starting A New Paragraph

While we were gone,
the leaves have
begun to come out
as the forsythia cadmium,
which was so bright
when we left, wanes.
Our weeping cherry tree
is in bloom and becomes
less pink each day,
but fortunately,
it has remained cool enough
that we didn’t miss it entirely.
The tree applauds our arrival,
fluttering and pirouetting
in the tender breeze.
The regimented tulips
stand at attention
lined up in flanks,
trumpeting to us
as helpful heralds
for this new section
of our year.

I’m overwhelmingly glad to be home.
It is good to go places, see people,
and do things you usually don’t do,
but ah my own bed– those
deliciously clean flannel sheets,
our perfect blueberry pancakes
made special with tangy lemon zest,
eaten at our own sunshiny table,
the work phone insisting
I jump right in. Instead,
I emerge gently.
I breathe it all in,
reflect, unpack,
(not leaving the suitcase
languishing in the bedroom
for a week), and vacuum
my office/studio floor,
which is long overdue.
I refill my ink pens.

Holidays and trips,
project completions,
and important events,
segment our year,
pivoting us to renewal,
like a new paragraph
to be filled with
prepositions and action verbs,
observation and emphasis,
sentiment and punctuation.

After this recent detour,
it feels good
not to want
to be anywhere else.
Maybe finally
I’ll start to
really do and say
what needs to be
said and done.
And oh! to paint again,
to do meaningful work,
hike my old haunts,
to read and muse,
embrace and uphold:
to watch the world–
not just my own chapter–
continue to unfold.

by Polly Castor

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Eliz Crowley 11 months ago

    Very nice! That’s a keeper

  2. Dilys 11 months ago

    It’s lovely to punctuate your year with little “getaways”!
    We had one last week and enjoyed learning a bit of UK history. We stayed in an Inn dating from the fifteenth century, visited Gloucester cathedral where Henry III was crowned, saw the birds at Slimbridge Wetlands and met lovely volunteers in each place. They were happy to impart their knowledge to enhance our visit. Blessings all round! X

    • Author
      Polly Castor 11 months ago


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