Visual Memoir (15 Photos in Color that Summarize Me)

Visual Memoir (15 Photos in Color that Summarize Me)

Try to summarize yourself in 15 photos!

It is not very easy, and I have hundreds of thousands of photos to choose from, with more coming everyday.

These 15 photos pretty well represent who I am right now, and is a self portrait of sorts.

There is lots of embedded meaning for me in each of these photos.

See the whole set above and the individual images below.

I did a version in black and white as well, which I’ll post tomorrow.

Does this seem like me to you?  Is there something represented here you didn’t know about me or surprises you?

Try making your own visual memoir that sums up your experience and identity.
















I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Laura 12 months ago

    I love this collection of you in color photos as a self portrait. I now have to cogitate on all the meanings??? What is the fire in you? A burning need? I’m awed by your ability to do this visually and verbally each day. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Loree 12 months ago


  3. Joan Wolcott 12 months ago

    Love it!!!
    A wonderful glimpse
    So colorful

  4. Bill Kilgour 12 months ago

    This is a highly. productive perspective on yourself, on your experience so far. !!
    It can be an abstract representation of your present image of yourself.,
    a current image of your ideal plans for growth to the best version of yourself
    as a spiritual individual.

    On one hand the pictures tell a story of your human history,: culture, ethnicity, family,
    quality of life, social class.
    The more authentic portrait of you would reveal the decisions you have made. Yes, more challenging , but can be made graphic. —>

    You, shown in company of , e.g. engaged with a variety of people, doing representative projects,
    in symbolic places you decided to experience, clothing for certain activities. & your many faces
    & postures.. . Any evidence of your priorities — time, spending, devotions, joys, zeal —
    “favorite things”. These images could also suggest ? what you have LEFT OUT of your experience, … & portrait. ( <-; )

    • Author
      Polly Castor 12 months ago

      Wonderful comment. Only problem of photographing me in action is that I’m behind the lens.

  5. Meg+Hanson 12 months ago

    I love this! I remember some of these photos from previous posts, like from your trip to Switzerland ? Now I am inspired to do a similar exercise for myself.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 12 months ago

      Great! That’s the idea. Think metaphorically and symbolically, as well as from experience.


  1. […] I did a version in color as well, which you can see here. […]

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