Guadeloupe (Day #5: Spice Market, Waterfalls, and Northern Coast)

Guadeloupe (Day #5: Spice Market, Waterfalls, and Northern Coast)

Guadeloupe Photos

We first went into the city for french pastries for breakfast and then walked to a colossal spice market. There were so many types we were looking at it was hard to differentiate between them all. I bought star anise, cajun spice (after tasting many), nutmeg, and fresh vanilla. We also saw sugar cane and some unusual fruits.

Next we proceeded back to the National Park and hiked to the largest waterfall in the Caribbean. The trail consisted again of many stairs. While we were at the falls, in a matter of seconds, a mongoose snatched and stole the sandwich we were going to split (an excellent one we had gotten at the french bakery) which had been set down for a few moments while we took photos.

Alas, hungry, we found prune and pear yogurt at a small grocery store, where a whole gaggle of boys in school uniforms were buying biliously colored popsicles. I can recommend the prune yogurt especially, and we headed to the north shore.

The cliffs and crashing waves on the north shore were dramatically different than the topography of the rest of the island. You can see my short video of it here. It felt a little more like the white cliffs of Dover than the tropics. We hiked along the rim and the rough volcanic pumice underfoot was sharp and brittle, but pitted with bubbles that captured water, so it was clear how the sheer cliffs had been formed.

We stayed there until sunset, when we headed back to a truffle pizza, that was really good.













sugar cane





























I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.

1 Comment

  1. Meg+Hanson 2 years ago

    That must have been so disappointing, but also amazing, to see the mongoose grab your sandwich! One time years ago my sister had an aggressive seagull take a sandwich out of the hand of one her children at Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes National Lakeshore in Michigan.

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