Queen Elisabeth II Remembered

Queen Elisabeth II Remembered

Queen Elizabeth II remembered

On a blog like this one, whose byline is “amplifying good,” I feel a need to acknowledge the passing of Queen Elizabeth II– the only queen most of us have ever “known.” Her integrity and stalwartness touched the world over.  I also admire that she was still working until 96, meeting with a new Prime Minister only two days before her passing, and I’m grateful she saw her platinum jubilee a few months ago.

Her legacy is enormous and there are mountains of life lessons we can all learn from her, not the least of which could be summed up by the adage, “Bloom where you are planted.” She had not much choice in her role, but lots of choice on how she responded to it. Her response to her intimidating and somewhat caged situation was one of grace and dignity whatever assailed, along with deliberate, detailed, lasting service. With all our freedoms, may we be even a fraction of the faithful servant she was.

Enjoy in this post some of my favorite photos of her!








Queen Elizabeth II Remembered
















I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Joseph D Herring 3 years ago

    I remember her well from the time she spoke over the radio during early WWII , mainly to comfort children. I also have a memory of her comments-in the purest French – to her subjects in Canada- during my time at McGill.

  2. Susan 3 years ago

    Thank you Polly

  3. Dilys 3 years ago

    Thank you Polly! We loved our Queen and from the tributes that have come in from around the world, so did a great many others!

    I think that was evident from the warmth that was poured out over her Platinum Jubilee weekend, and we are glad she was able to feel that love.

    She has set a wonderful example to us all of how to live a good life and certainly makes me want to be the best person I can be!

  4. Sue Glendinning 3 years ago

    Polly, that was so well said! As a Brit, although of the colonies – Southern Rhodesia/aka Zimbabwe – I really appreciated the Queen’s dedication to her country and the Commonwealth, and her obvious love for her people. What an astute leader she was! The world has lost a very special person.

  5. DeEtta Greenwalt 3 years ago

    The best tribute I have read yet about Queen Elizabeth..The pictures are priceless!
    Thanks for creating such a beautiful tribute to her.

  6. Susan Jane 3 years ago

    Such a beautiful tribute, Polly. Thank you so much!

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