Field of Dreams (pastel) by Polly Castor
“Casting Down Imaginations”
Imagination transforms lives.
Whether for good or bad,
it depends on how you wield it.
Visualization creates reality,
so be careful to direct it wisely.
Are you envisaging success or failure?
Brightness or downward spiraling loops?
Imagination creates wonderful miracles,
like symphonies, feasts, festivals and faith,
as well as astounding and helpful innovation.
Imagination also can immobilize us in fear,
prevent us from moving forward,
thwart us at every turn, kindling despair,
igniting trepidation, producing negativity,
psychosomatic illness, and paranoia.
Imagination can prompt us
to expand or to limit,
to flourish or to shrivel,
to embrace or to fend off,
to grin or to grimace.
Which kind are you cultivating?
Cast down
the second type of imagination–
pluck it up, crush it, trounce it,
lock it in a deep dark dungeon
and throw away the key
in the farthest, fathomless sea.
However, harness the first type, savor it,
like a precious hour in a hammock
on a mild day, with a gorgeous view,
and gallop away on its wings
into the overflowing ever afters
of perpetual happiness.
Polly Castor
(Note: title refers to Bible quote by Paul in II Cor 10:5 KJV)

Frustration (acrylic) by Polly Castor
I WILL: “Expand, Flourish, Grin, Embrace”
All the Good that Good, God, has for me today!
Maybe even…”Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love you, Tomorrow”Thanks, Polly!
Another one to save and read over and over. Thank you so much Polly. I found myself lounging in my imaginary hammock while my afternoon meditation brought me perfect peace.
I love this! It’s so good to remember every day! I’d like to share it- is there a way?
Certainly. Just copy and share the link. Or there are share icons at the bottom of every post for Facebook, email, etc.
[…] condemned by Paul in the King James version of Bible, in II Corinthians, chapter 10. However, as I share in a recent poem regarding that, there is a helpful way and a damaging way to imagine, and only the hurtful way is to be avoided. […]