Prayer Surrounded by Spirit (oil on claybord) by Polly Castor
Lately, I’ve been playing with an entirely new surface for me. It is called claybord, and it is a smooth white surface made of clay for painting on and then carving into. Those of you who have seen my sgraffito pottery know how much I love carving into a surface, and this new material is just the ticket to bring that more formally into my two dimensional work.
In the painting above, titled, Prayer Surrounded by Spirit, I carved the board first to depict the presence of Spirit, and then painted over it in oil, showing the Spirit surrounding– and through–us during prayer. This painting is 9″x12.”
Purchase the the original work here.
Obtain prints and merchandise of this image here.
In the painting below, titled Reflected Water Surface Up-close, I was harkening back to some of those photos I’ve been taking recently of the water surface during my walks. The claybord material was wonderful for depicting some of those precise lines (made with a razor blade) that show on the undulating surface of the water. It is also 9″x12.”
Purchase the the original work here.
Obtain prints and merchandise of this image here.
I have so many new ideas! I’ll be using this surface more!
It combines both the painting (or monoprinting) I enjoy with the carving I find so meditative. I’ll be doing more, both in monotones and with color, alternating with some other media I enjoy, like pastel.

Reflected Water Surface Close-up (oil on claybord) by Polly Castor
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Being held in prayer