Overcoming the Herod Thought (New Poem by Polly Castor)

Overcoming the Herod Thought (New Poem by Polly Castor)

Overcoming the Herod Thought Poem by Polly Castor

Overcoming the Herod Thought

Herod wanted to stay king
and when unable to dupe
the Wise Men into revealing
the young Messiah’s whereabouts
was willing to kill every baby boy
under two years of age
to defend his immoral, corrupt turf
from being overtaken by Truth.
(Hubris. Unbelievable, but attempted.
It still tries to rear its ugly head today.)
But the angels leading thought
would have none of that
and guided the Wise Men
by another way
and told Joseph in a dream
to escape to Egypt
with Mary and the young child.
(Are we listening to the angels
or only gaping and cringing
at the rampage of carnage
that litters the arrogant egoist’s
path to destruction?)
Omnipotent infinite good
(otherwise known as God)
makes no allowances for evil–
indeed flatly precludes it.
Then and now. For always.
That is what Jesus came to teach us.
The Herod thought
– or the Pilate one –
never had a chance.
Just nothing looking like something;
a mirage holding no water;
a self constituted falsity;
a supposition without basis;
error coming to the surface to be healed.
Evil absolutely must be impotent
in the face of all-powerful God.
And we were shown that
and proved that
by the humble little
defenseless babe
two thousand years ago
(that we still talk about)
who, with no pretense or wealth
no rank, prestige, or possessions,
only real love, divine connection,
and a clear understanding
showed us what the kingdom of God
looks like on earth:
each of us seeing the Christ in each other
with only good ever going on.
Facing down and obliterating evil
by correcting error with Truth.
That’s his mission. That’s his birthright.
Evil vanquished at Jesus’ beginning,
overwhelmingly overcome at his alleged end,
and importantly too, trounced for us today,
and forever to be defeated,
as logically impossible,
inherently unsustainable,
and destined to be doomed.


by Polly Castor

Overcoming the Herod Thought Poem by Polly Castor

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Karen Montanaro 5 years ago

    Wonderful, Polly! And thank you!!!!

  2. Maria Turner 5 years ago

    Beautiful, Polly!! You painted such a clear picture with words to illuminate the truth of this holiday season and Life itself. Thank you!!?

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