Polly Preaching #1 (Forgiveness)

Polly Preaching #1 (Forgiveness)

Polly Preaching #1 (Forgiveness)

I’m known to rant every once in a while, letting someone (or myself!) “have it.” Sometimes these jewels have been written and archived, so I thought occasionally I’d drag one out to share here, and “let it rip,” so to speak:

“The need for forgiveness came up in my prayers. Forgive once and for all. They know not what they did/do. You knew not what you did/do. Evil or error needs you to keep it alive and has no existence if you forgive it and put it behind you. “Get thee hence” to every “bald imposition” and subtle snakelike thought.

Release blame for codependency. Release your children to God, your husband/wife to God, your brothers, sisters, and co-workers to God, your parents to God, and most importantly yourself to God. “I of mine own self can do nothing.” Whew!!

Let God do the doing. Release a false sense of responsibility. Get absolutely everyone off the hook. Even Trump and Hitler. Especially yourself and all those years you wasted feeling put upon and beleaguered and angry and frustrated and left holding the bag. Live in the fresh air of that clean slate. Breathe deep that air. That’s where God is and you can’t be separated from that, and truly, neither can anyone else.

Be only dependent on God, only in communication with God. You are and do God’s will.

From the kingdom of heaven’s perspective, that’s what everyone else is up to too. But that is their business. Mind your own business ONLY and remember that human “opinion is valueless.” Don’t go there.

Bring your part of the kingdom of heaven on earth. Forgive, and focus on your only real task of being and doing God’s will – manifesting that panoply of Godlike qualities and attributes each and every moment. Release each moment as they pass with no value judgement, just moving on to the next God-like expression that is yours to do.

Forgiveness is the other side of the coin of healing. Because Jesus could forgive sins, he healed. Do it too. And Jesus was never alone. Neither are you. You companion with the Creator of the universe, who very specifically and attentively loves you. “Earth’s preparatory school” is a one on one gig, and the sooner we learn that the better for everyone.”

by Polly Castor (April 2018)

“Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.” (Luke23:34)

“get thee hence” (Matthew 4:10)

“bald imposition” (Mary Baker Eddy SH page 99)

“I of mine own self can do nothing.” (John 5:30)

“opinion is valueless” (Mary Baker Eddy SH page 341)

“Earth’s preparatory school” (Mary Baker Eddy SH page 486)

I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Anita 7 years ago

    I SO needed this! Thank you Polly.

  2. Deborah 7 years ago

    Me too

  3. Gillian Smith 7 years ago

    Echoing Anita’s comment – so do I! Thanks so very much.

  4. Kate Gibson Oswald 7 years ago

    Loved this Polly. Thanks

  5. Marianne Patterson 7 years ago

    Love it, simply love it! This line in particular is amazingly powerful …. “Evil or error needs you to keep it alive and has no existence if you forgive it and put it behind you.” Now the difficult task of internalizing and living it!

    • Author
      Polly Castor 7 years ago

      You can do it!

  6. William Boyle 7 years ago

    So helpful!!!

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