Spring Shadows at New Pond Farm (pastel) by Polly Castor
It was a gorgeous day at New Pond Farm yesterday. All the subject matter I was attracted to painting was dramatically back-lit, with the sun too glaring in my face to paint those at that time of day. Therefore, I settled on this tree, on the far side of the pond, which was still back lit, but where I could sit and paint it in deep shade. I was intrigued by the dramatic shadow patterns in the grass, by the feathery new leaves, and the frothiness of the distant trees. It was an image that spoke to me of the whole arc of the spring transition, with its stark lighting together with tender new grass and unfurling leaves.
You can see the resulting painting above; contact me if you’d like to buy it. And below you’ll find a couple photos from my lovely morning at New Pond Farm.
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