Two Plein Air Pastel Paintings at Camp Newfound
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Tree at Camp Newfound (pastel) by Polly Castor
I had a day off between classes at Creative Arts Camp, which I spent in a wonderful way. I painted these two plein air pastel paintings after swimming a half mile (round trip) to Cherry Island, where I enjoyed a magnificent interaction with the bald eagles there. Then, after I painted these, I headed out for a lobster roll with friends. Talk about a perfect day in a gorgeous place!
The tree above is an incredible specimen just past the director’s cabin on the point that is thicker higher up than it is at the base. The painting below was painted from Newfound’s gazebo.

Sandbar to Hairbrush Island (pastel) by Polly Castor
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Polly, these are gorgeous, inspired pastels! Brava! XOXO