No Difference Between Thought and Reality

No Difference Between Thought and Reality

difference thought reality

Yesterday I posted a summary of Getting Things Done, but I saved a quote below by David Allen for separate consideration, because I think it is really important and is of broader applicability. (Also it is a perfect reason to show off photos of these lemons we grew in our bathroom!) Let’s focus on this:

“It appears that the nervous system can’t tell the difference between a well-imagined thought and reality. To prove this to yourself, picture yourself walking into a supermarket and going over to the brightly lit fruit and vegetable section. Are you there? Ok, now go to the citrus bins – oranges, grapefruits, lemons. Now see the big pile of yellow lemons. There’s a cutting board and a knife next to them. Take one of those big yellow lemons and cut it in half. Smell that citrus smell! It’s really juicy, and there is lemon juice trickling onto the board. Now take a half lemon and cut that in half, so you have a quarter lemon wedge in your hands. Ok, now – remember how you did this as a kid? – put that quarter of a lemon in you mouth and bite into it! Scrunch!

If you played along with me, you probably noticed that the saliva content in your mouth increased at least a bit. Your body was actually trying to process citric acid. And it was just in your mind.”

Did you salivate? I did. There is definitely a mind/body connection. I have learned unequivocally in many other ways as well that our thoughts govern our experience. So maybe we want to think good thoughts!

But we can also take this higher, by understanding God as the divine Mind. Just as there is a mind/body connection where our thoughts govern our experience, the divine Mind determines all true reality. Christian Science is about aligning one’s thoughts with the divine Mind, and experiencing reality as one of God’s best ideas.

Whichever level of thinking you are comfortable with on this, experiment with it. Think what you’d have be true. Think out from your highest ideal. Do it consistently. Make a habit of it. And watch what happens! Wow!


I work to amplify good wherever I find it. I love color, texture, beauty, great ideas, nature, metaphor, deliciousness, genuine spirituality, and exploring new territory. I encourage authenticity, nurture creativity, champion sustainability, promote peace, and hope to foster a new renaissance where we all are free to be our most fulfilled, multifaceted, and terrific selves. Read more here.


  1. Jenny Grace 9 years ago

    Thank you for the Blog that allowed us to see David Hohle speak. I sent it out to other friends and they were so grateful for it. It helped them turn their thought away from a limited sense of time.

    • Author
      Polly Castor 9 years ago

      Great! And for those that missed it… that lecture can be found here.

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