Do you know the story of Hosea in the Bible? This Christian story mirrors it with a good man told by God to marry a prostitute and all that then ensues. Taking place during the California Gold Rush it is a believable story and a fast, satisfying read.
The harsh realities of child prostitution are depicted, but so is the budding realization of God’s love and saving power. The main male character is a beautiful example of a Christian man showing his faith by his works; his whole being radiates what God is to him and this is very appealing.
I appreciated the depth of his sensitivity and steadfast loyalty, as well as his ability for genuine forgiveness. I give it five stars even though I wouldn’t say it is great literature; it is effectual in making the reader want to live by a higher, more Godly standard. That is worth a lot. (This is an older version of the book borrowed from a church library. There is now a different cover. The author is Francine Rivers.)