Choose the Path with Heart (Carlos Casteneda Quote)
I warn you. Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary...
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Lessons from White Kitchen Floors (Quote by Heather Maio)
Its only when you ignore problems that they have the chance to grow.
Other Names for MSG (Avoid Eating These Ingredients)
Please join me in avoiding all these ingredients masquerading as something other than the well known villainous super-toxin, MSG.
Sickness is Not Necessarily a Crisis of Faith (Deep Think #17)
The world needs us not to be so heavenly minded we are no earthy good.
All You Need are These (Quote by Marcus Aurelius)
Needed in the present moment: certainty of judgement, action for the common good, and an attitude of gratitude.
New Year’s Resolution and Goals for 2022
This resolution is a natural response to what I've learned in my previous two resolutions...
Wisdom From the Crosstown Bus (Quote by Elizabeth Gilbert)
No matte how mundane or tough your situation may seem, I believe you can illuminate your world.
How to Foster Civility
To foster civility, I would simplify it down to being unabashedly authentic, and to amplify every good around you...
Encourage Imagination (Quote by Ursula Le Guin)
I believe that one of the most deeply human, and humane, of these faculties is the power of imagination…
Expand Your Thought to Include More Good
Malpractice is more about the negativity you think about yourself, than what anyone else is thinking!