Hugely Thankful for my Husband’s Help
I need to express my profound gratitude for my husband's help in launching this new website of mine. It...
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Are You Buying Fake Olive Oil or Real?
Suffice it to say it is a very corrupt business. Studies at the University of California state that 73%...
Spiritual Pep Talk from a College Student
Focus your mind so intently on love. It seems hard in the moment because it’s so tempting to pay...
Quotes About Perfection from the Bible
There were so many great quotes about perfection in last week’s Bible Lesson, I post some of them here...
Nonviolence Please
I share these in honor of Martin Luther King Day... Non-violence is near and dear to my heart.
The Golden Text in this week’s Christian Science Bible Lesson is from II Thessalonians (2:13)...
Quote by Martha Graham about Practice
I believe that we learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to...
Melody Beattie Quote about Gratitude
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns...
Elizabeth Gilbert on Wisdom and Healing Rifts
I was talking about a rift I'd had recently with another friend, and how this split had been causing...
Touch Joy!
You will touch joy and suddenly realize that you have never felt joy because it requires abandon.
Our Oldest Lands a Great Job
We are very proud of our older daughter who has just accepted a wonderful job offer as a Fiscal...