Weathered Green Barn
This barn is on the road between Penobscot and Blue Hill in Maine. Even peeling paint can be...
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Photos of NYC Upper East Side
We are in town for a church meeting this weekend; here are some photos of the Upper East Side......
In Ann Arbor Again!
It has been twenty-five years since I’ve wandered around my college haunts. It was fun giving my family the...
Photos from the Air
I flew to Michigan today, and enjoyed chatting with my seat partner on our very small, boisterous jet; clearly...
Biking the Virginia Creeper Trail
If you are ever in the western mountains of Virginia, we strongly recommend taking time to do the Virginia...
Hungry Mother State Park
We are on our way to Destination Imagination Globals, which has allowed us to visit a good friend...
My Son has an Article in the Sentinel
My son has an article in the Christian Science Sentinel magazine that came today (the February 14, 2011 issue,...
My Daughter’s Kenya Account Written for Her Sponsors
Below is a copy of my daughter’s account of the service trip she took last summer to teach in...
Boston’s Sunsets
I enjoyed two gorgeous sunsets from the same spot Harborside while in Boston! Enjoy the photos…
Cascade Canyon Hike in the Tetons
This nine mile hike with my daughter will be remembered as one of my best days this year. After...
Inspiration Point
The hike to Inspiration Point overlooking Jenny Lake in Grand Tetons National Park is a classic one and we...