A Thousand Acres of Light (Poem by Maurya Simon)
I’d rather unravel the wind’s calligraphies, letter by letter, and spell myself into the world, a glittering altar of...
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Other Names for MSG (Avoid Eating These Ingredients)
Please join me in avoiding all these ingredients masquerading as something other than the well known villainous super-toxin, MSG.
Overcoming Impositions to Spiritual Growth (Quote by Jill Gooding)
When these impeding impositions of error are recognized and overcome, our lives soar...
Our New Green Chair and Its Expected Ripple Effect
This new chair is the kingpin change sparking a process of unfolding decluttering and renovation.
Straight Talk About Decision-Making
Try these five ideas and you’ll find your decision has become clear, and it is the best one, which...
Sickness is Not Necessarily a Crisis of Faith (Deep Think #17)
The world needs us not to be so heavenly minded we are no earthy good.
We Got Covid
While this blog's theme is about amplifying good, I also want it to be real, and have no one...
Life Without Boundaries (by Thich Nhat Hanh)
This body is not me. I am not caught in this body. I am life without boundaries...
The Only Place God Is (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Are you casting about, dissatisfied or yearning, flinging your gaze...
To the Estranged, the Grieving, the Abused, the Alone, I Hear You
I want to say to those of you out there hurting or isolated at this time: I hear you,...
Winter Solstice (New Poem by Polly Castor)
The shortest day of the year teeters and tips on its pivot point toward a blessed season of illumination...