Allow Something Everyday (Lisa Congdon Quote)
I agree with this quote: don't hold everything so tightly!
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When to Believe ( Buddha quote)
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it...
A Eureka About My Body (Putting Down the Weight)
I really want to take hold of what I'm writing about here, until it transforms my thinking about my...
Big Bang or Inseparable Oneness?
Where your premise is, will make all the difference to the conclusion that follows. Therefore, great care must take...
Marie Kondo Our Style
We are taking a couple hours each week, to "tidy up," the results of which you can see in...
Jewels from the Archives (Great New Blog Feature)
I'm excited to announce that what many of you have asked for has come to pass. We now have...
New Year’s Resolution: Buffing Up My Awesomeness
I'm creating a new normal here. One more like what my Father/Mother God wants and designed for me.
Take Flight (New Poem by Polly Castor)
tizzy wizzy so much going on a flapping flock of thoughts crowding in, all squawking on the same branch...
The Difference Between Self-care and Selfishness
Doing something that benefits you alone is selfish. Doing something that enables you to give more to those around...
Excessive Planning is a Form of Unbelief
I did not design the human mind to figure out the future. That is beyond your capability. I crafted...
One Man’s Wilderness (Book Review with Quotes)
This is a marvelous little book. I loved it and give it five stars. It chronicles a man's first...
No Victimization in Heaven (Deep Think #7)
Choose your stance carefully, for on the human level, it will be a self-fulling prophesy. Decide to be undefiled...