Quotes from Spirituality of Gratitude
I found it enjoyable to consider the favorite topic of gratitude from another perspective.
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Pope Francis Visits America
I must say that I really appreciate Pope Francis' moral courage, humility, and overall approach to his role.
A Tribute to Wayne Dyer in Memes
Check out some of what I especially appreciate that he advocated shown in memes here in this post...
Empedocles on the Nature of God
“The nature of God is a circle of which the center is everywhere and the circumference is nowhere.” Empedocles
Quote by Danna Faulds
Throw off the bonds of your conditioning and fear and celebrate the wonder of being here. Experience this moment...
Quote By C.S. Lewis
I believe in God as I believe that the Sun has risen, not only because I see it, but...
Quote by Bishop John Shelby Spong
After my blog “Uncleanness Cast Out,” this bit of an article was sent to me by a blog reader....
Quote About Clearing Clutter
Where there is chaos in your home, there will be chaos reflected in your experience.
New Abstract Pastels for Good Friday
“Those who slew him to stay his influence perpetuated and extended it.” Mary Baker Eddy