Recent Black & White Photos
Urban environment contrasted with the natural one... organic shapes and texture contrasted with geometric, built, and man made angles.
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Layered Scribbles by Others
Approach scribbling with mindful noticing and inquisitiveness, and let one thing lead to the next by asking questions.
Layering Scribbles (Sketchbook Ideas #11)
It is highly useful to practice scribbling and to know the idiosyncrasies of layering scribbles in different media.
Book Challenge 2024 (A Totally New Approach)
I've heard from many of you and your feedback was helpful in radically changing our Reading Challenge this year.
Hike Photos from Huntington State Park (December 2023)
I’m still walking in the same place, trying to see it freshly every time.
Global Warming 2023 (New Abstract Painting in Pastel)
This year, more concern is felt because climate change has been resulting in devastating fires and seasons of pervasively...
Be Ruthless About What You Ignore (James Clear Quote)
You can only deeply commit to a few things. One or two? Maybe three?
The Soul Dwells Where Beauty Lives (John O’Donohue Quote)
All holiness is about learning to hear the voice of your own soul.
Small Kindnesses (Poem by Danusha Lameris)
I’ve been thinking about the way, when you walk down a crowded aisle...
Live Under Divine Authority (Deep Think #23)
When you can answer these questions like Jesus could, you can do as he did, living under divine authority,...