Grace Notes #1
"Grace notes" will occasionally capture my jottings of incidental gratitude for sacramental moments in the shards of daily...
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Why I Don’t Drink Alcohol
Once you’ve experienced the clean living high of a well connected bliss, you will not trade it for anything....
New Poem: Being the Mother of Adult Children
I think now what I would want my kids to do in my situation, and then go and try...
Ropes and Traps
These ropes and traps from Little Cranberry Island are a medley of line and anticipation. What are you walking...
Your Integrity is Your Destiny
The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with...
Carlos Castaneda Quote
"We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." Carlos...
6,000 Tweets
I have now done 6,000 tweets on Twitter in seven years. You can see my current Twitter feed
Thoughts on Body Image
I am realizing that I am not a thin mortal or a fat mortal, because I am not a...
Who Are You?
This quote is longer than most I share, but I think it is really worth reading because gaining objectivity...
The Mundane is Amazing
What we need from great writing, most urgently, is an understanding that the mundane itself—snails, fireplaces, shrubs, pebbles, socks...
Recent Photos of Mine on Instagram
I was convinced start using Instagram, and now I'm confessing to really enjoying it.