What a Good Decision Feels Like
"When something is right for me, I always have an indescribable sense of peace about it. Knowing that this...
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Featured Artist: Ashley Bryan
I will never forget this man's energy, love of color, excitement for the creative process, his great attitude, and...
Irritated? Impatient? Anxious? Try Gratitude Instead
If you are feeling irritated, impatient, or anxious, try focusing on something you can be grateful for instead.
It’s Not Too Late to Achieve Your Dream
Never tell yourself you’re too old to make it. Never tell yourself you missed your chance. Never tell yourself...
How Love Arrives from All Directions
"Love and ego cannot go together. Knowledge and ego go together perfectly well, but...
My Newspaper Article: Finding Each Person’s Unique Brand of Specialness
In my spiritual journey, I have learned that while all people are definitely equal, each one is unique too.
Multicultural Golden Rule
The Golden Rule is universal wisdom that we all could apply more seriously for our mutual benefit.
Thoughts on Body Image
I am realizing that I am not a thin mortal or a fat mortal, because I am not a...
Changing the Notion of Success
It’s time for a different metric of success, beyond money and power—founded on well-being...
New Poem: What I Learned From My Mother
I learned all this and more from the best example I could have had. Thank you!