My Newspaper Article: Finding Each Person’s Unique Brand of Specialness
In my spiritual journey, I have learned that while all people are definitely equal, each one is unique too.
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Multicultural Golden Rule
The Golden Rule is universal wisdom that we all could apply more seriously for our mutual benefit.
Thoughts on Body Image
I am realizing that I am not a thin mortal or a fat mortal, because I am not a...
Changing the Notion of Success
It’s time for a different metric of success, beyond money and power—founded on well-being...
New Poem: What I Learned From My Mother
I learned all this and more from the best example I could have had. Thank you!
Who Are You?
This quote is longer than most I share, but I think it is really worth reading because gaining objectivity...
I've loved the desiderata for almost as long as I can remember. I grew up with it on the...
We Are All Meant to Shine
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that...
Today’s Newspaper Article: From Atheism to Believing in Divine Love
This newspaper article of mine (about moving from atheism to believing in divine Love) is in three Connecticut newspapers...
Getting Things Done (Book Review and Summary)
For those who would benefit from a summary of the book, I've included my notes below.