God, It’s All About You (New Poem by Polly Castor)
Nothing but God, good, exists. Thanks be to God.
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Recent Pages in my Bible Lesson Journal
Take a peek and see what I've been thinking about during my daily spiritual study.
“More Blessed to Give than Receive” and Unselfing (Deep Think #12)
Let's give God's gifts to others from the place of our "unselfed better self," and receive the blessings. Get...
Bible Lesson Study Journal (Photos of Recent Pages)
Take a peek inside my spiritual study. I encourage you too to use a journal for yours.
Animal Magnetism (New Metaphysical Poem by Polly Castor)
Anything that is not joy is animal magnetism.
Collection of Historical Christian Science Lectures Expanded
These lectures from the past include some jewels.
Christian Science Founded by a Woman (Analogy by Edward Kimball)
Imagine yourself in hell, looking for a way out...
Spiritual Thoughts About Money and Supply (Deep Think #10)
Let's look at the divine source of supply ever acting during this unusual time.
Thoughts from Covid-19 Isolation (#1)
Solitude is something to enjoy too, a nurturing thing that gets us beyond the noise of daily static, deep...