Persistence Alone Wins the Prize
When I think of persistence, I think of the slow erosion of stone, or the prolonged build up of...
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Uncleanness Cast Out
I saw clearly that the Christ did not just cast out that one man’s uncleanness, but everyone’s for all...
Today’s Newspaper Article About Mary Baker Eddy
I am a regular contributor to the Danbury News Times Forum on Faith column, which is also picked up...
Frame of Reference is Important
Things are literally different depending on “the frame of reference” you view them from, and this has been proven...
Energy Instead of Mass
We usually consider matter as solid, but it is far from it. The closer you get to looking at...
Free Print Christian Science Lectures
This is an unnecessarily bare-bones site graphically, but it has tons of print lectures on Christian Science available from...
My Newspaper Article About Evil
I think we will all ultimately experience evil as impotent, because we will each realize that we prefer to...
Historical Christian Science Lectures
Our website for the Christian Science Churches in Connecticut has just been redone, and I thought it might be...
Notes Made on Art and Spirituality at Camp
I love Creative Arts Camp in Maine. The people are terrific: the convergence of art with Christian Science is...
The Distinction Between Jesus and the Christ
I was struck while studying the Christian Science Bible lesson for this week by the distinctions made between Jesus...
Is God the Only Power?
I read recently something written by Edward A. Kimball in 1909 originally published in the Bloomington Illinois Daily Bulletin...
My Newspaper Article on Forgiveness
Throughout my life I have had many opportunities to forgive people. My indispensable go-to approach in these situations is...