Recent Black and White Photographs
Here is what winter has looked like around here for the last two months.
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Black and White Photos of Morocco
Our recent trip to Morocco was a feast of opportunities to take black and white photographs.
Recent Black and White Photographs
Here are black and white photographs from Maine and Texas, airplanes, airports, church and home.
Black and White Photographs Taken in England
Here, once again, I am studying value, the range from black to white, and how it emphasizes texture, shape,...
Recent Black and White Photos
Within the format of each rectangle is a little world contained unto itself, isolated for examination.
Recent Black and White Photographs
Value, shape, form, texture and light are what I'm exploring here, as well as how they contribute to composition.
Recent Black and White Photos
Shapes, large and small are important here, whether organic or manmade, but these collections are mostly about the light,...
Cloudscapes in Black and White (Photos)
It was so interesting watching the clouds move, when at ground level all was still. I hope I captured...
Recent Black & White Photography
Studying the world this way heightens my awareness, and is a good exercise in mindfulness, while also helping underpin...
Visual Memoir (15 Black and White Photos that Summarize Me)
These 15 photos pretty well represent who I am right now, and is a self portrait of sorts.
Recent Black and White Photos
Lately I've been challenging myself to take more in black and white, and for me, who is such a...