First Stages of a New Concertina Sketchbook (Sketchbook Ideas #5)
I love this liberating, experimental process. Sometimes it is nice not knowing where you are going and being open...
Trees in Crayon and Marker (Grid Journaling #2)
This feels more like painting than drawing, but is a no fuss, no mess approach you can take or...
Two New Pages in my Artist Journal (with Time-lapses)
Are you taking a little time trying things out in an artist journal? I highly recommend it!
Grid Journaling Ideas #1
As an artist, these types of exercises refill my tank and get me excited in fresh directions.
Two New Pages in my Artist Journal Along with Time Lapse Videos
With these two recent artist journal pages, I first try my hand at filming and posting time-lapse videos.
Six new Experimental Pages in my Artist Journals
The advantage of doing these things in a journal cannot be overstated.
Tour of my Office Studio (Photos)
I like that on a usual day, when inspiration strikes, all I need is right where I already...
Three New Artist Journal Pages
I highly recommend keeping an artist journal, It as a wonderful processing tool, and is so very sanity...
Four New Paintings in my Artist Journals
I really enjoy the mediative process of creating these small works.
Jumpstarting a Sketchbook Practice (Sketchbook Ideas #1)
I hope you’ll sketch a bit alongside me, and we’ll se where it goes.