Red Light, Green Light (New Poem by Polly Castor)
That hunch, the gut knowing that yes, I should go ahead with this but absolutely not with that...
Newspaper Article on Compassion by Polly Castor
Often the idea of compassion is mixed up with the words sympathy and pity. I would describe the difference...
No Universal Path to Success (Quote by John Arnold)
The unfortunate truth is that advice is almost always driven by anecdotal experience, and thus has limited value and...
Don’t Block Your Unique Expression (Martha Graham quote)
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and...
Outsmarting Inertia and Overcoming Avoidance
Let's face this stuff, so we like superheroes, can fly, can help, can bring our best to bear for...
Guideposts for Wholehearted Living
Here are the 10 things to cultivate and let go of to live wholeheartedly, as stated by Brene Brown...
When to Believe ( Buddha quote)
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it...
Big Bang or Inseparable Oneness?
Where your premise is, will make all the difference to the conclusion that follows. Therefore, great care must take...
Bible Lesson Study Journal Pages
I heartily recommend this practice as a way to grow in your understanding of God and your increased solidarity...
Change of Focus Needed to Change Body Image
What I'd begun to realize was that when you look through the lens of a camera and see a...
Practice Hardship
Don’t always take the path of least resistance and coast through life. You’ll miss too much of the sweet...