The Marvelous Mundane
“It has taken a while, but I certainly do know it now – the most wonderful gift I had,...
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Poem by Leslea Newman
Secret Sometimes when the morning sun streams through the kitchen window and I’m washing the dishes or opening...
Poem: You Took Me In
You Took Me In a refuge a reverie an agent of regeneration resonating… I always say give...
Proud of my Town for Voting No
Last week my town overwhelmingly voted NOT to sell our water to the multinational corporation Aquarion who owns almost...
Photos of New Pond Farm Shakespeare 2013
Each year, New Pond Farm puts on a wonderful Shakespeare play after a three week camp for middle schoolers and early...
Sources for Free eBooks
As we head into a long holiday weekend, I thought it would be a good time to share some...
What Is On These Things
I found this framework of prompts on the April 25th entry of the Design so Vast blog and thought I’d give...
Tip: Save Money with Retailmenot
Ever buy stuff off the internet and see a place to enter a coupon code to save money and...
We Went to Our Daughter’s Senior Oral
Yesterday we were out of pocket for 22 hours going to Maryland and back to attend our daughter’s Senior...
Book Review: Steal Like an Artist
I originally saw this little volume during my recent visit to the MOMA, and I was pleased to be able...
Abundant CSA Produce in July
Our 15 year old daughter works on this CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) at New Pond Farm, and we get...