Doodles in Gouache
These doodles were done while accompanying my 9th grader as she does her homeschooling work.
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Two Meditations in Oil Pastel
Overtly exploring the connection between art and spirituality, these two non-objective works were literally meditations. Aurora Borealis (oil...
Two Abstracts in Colored India Ink
Hands on homeschooling has many hours where I need to be present for the discussion of ideas or the...
Creative Arts Camp 2011: Painting #6: What Will the Harvest Be?
This is the last (and I think the best) painting I did at camp. There is a...
Creative Arts Camp 2011: Painting #3 and #4
The painting above is the third painting I did at camp in a burst of inspiration. I felt very...
Creative Arts Camp 2011: Painting #2
This is the second painting I did at camp. Below you can see layer 1, 2, 3, and...
My New Abstract Painting: Sunburst
It’s been too long since I’ve painted. I’ve been busy. But another dump of fresh snow cancelled church...
Color Poems (Poetry Without Words)
A lot of the painting I’ve been doing lately is of meditative poetic expression without words. What do you...
My First Digital Art
Today I read some articles (click here) and (click here) about famous artist David Hockney doing art on his...
Not Representational?
I’ve let this blog post gestate a while before writing it today. I waited to find my peace about...
My New Painting: Abstracted Person Playing
God wrenched me out of bed early this morning to paint this abstract of a person playing. The painting...