Artwork I’ve Been Enjoying Lately
I subscribe to ArtDaily.com and these are works in the last couple months that I’ve most enjoyed. I think...
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My Two New Mixed Media Collages
The mixed media collage above is done with colored pencil, marker and tissue paper. The one below is done...
John Milton Quote; Art by Louis Bording
“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we...
Two New Gouaches
I did these two new gouaches by candlelight during the hurricane and just today, with this excellent weather, I...
I Donated this New Painting of Mine
Each year, artists in the Ridgefield Guild of Artists paint on a theme and donate their works to the...
My New Mixed Media Painting
I painted this last weekend and it represents some very therapeutic quiet time for me. My head was mostly...
An Oil Painting with Details
I've been oil painting a lot lately on our back picnic table. I find the open air ventilation as...
Is This Abstract Painting Finished or Not?
This is layer #4 of an oil painting that is not finished as intended when I began, but I’m...
New Abstract Oil Painting
I just completed this abstract oil painting. Above is a detail; the entire painting is shown below.
My Recent Digital Abstract Art
When blog reader Jodi B. showed me some art she had done on her iPad with an app called...