Peripheral Gratitude
The obvious stuff I’m grateful for too
But these often unstated things need to be added to that list:
Knives, forks and spoons
The wrapper on the bread
Hummus and peanut butter
Anytime I’m not perfect but still not criticized
My mouse’s scrolling button
Pretty dishes
Ice water
A clean carpet, fresh sheets, a spotless kitchen
People that respond only in love
Riding my bike downhill
Anyone who sees the glass half full instead of half empty
Any luminous paint: watercolor, acrylic, or oil
Pastels, scissors, glue, markers, micron pens, wonderful paper
My digital camera, an 8 gig card, and two rechargeable batteries
Kindness, benevolence, amicability
The refrigerator and running water
Unjudgmental people, creative people, prayerful people
That my car has a tape deck and CD player, sunroof and heated seats
The sun and rain, so nourishing
Interesting conversations, good company, evenings at home
Books I haven’t read yet, paintings yet to be seen
Lucid perception, acute observation, and clear comprehension
Roasted vegetables, berries, melon, avocados, candles, and peppermint tea
Front porches, libraries, kayaks
A hug when I’m overwhelmed
A comfortable spot to read
Bright red toenail polish
Every time my kids are considerate and take initiative
Whenever a project actually gets finished
Ah Ha moments
When God is enough not to feel lonely
Any sense of sufficiency or satisfaction
Long steamy showers, extra large towels
Watching movies with friends, silent during the credits
Non-stick cookie sheets
The joy of writing poetry
Soaring butterflies, gorgeous gardens, brilliant bouquets
Breathing deep
The sweet release of solitude
A family game of Uno
Diligence, prudence, any unselfishness
Trails in the woods or beside the water
Active listening and feeling hear
Windows letting daylight in
Pithy wisdom
Salty potato chips
Being comforted, reassured
Luxurious angora, plush polar fleece, cozy cashmere
Simple rest