Book Review: Hundertwasser for Kids
When I became interested in Hundertwasser, I interlibrary loaned the couple books available on him. One of them was...
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Lord’s Prayer in the Message Bible
“Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. Set the world right; Do what’s best – as above, so...
My Newspaper Article: New Beginnings
I am a regular contributor to the Danbury News Times Forum on Faith column, which is also picked up...
Best of 2013
Wow. I’ve finished five years on this daily blog. That's 1,825 entries! Here's an extensive list of best...
Upheld by My Gracious, Omnipotent Hand
Okay, I made a mess of myself, right there in church this morning, convulsively weeping over the words of...
My Monitor Article About Newtown Choosing Love
This newspaper article by me is in today’s issue of the Christian Science Monitor.
Eternal Life is Now
Eternal Life is now, not some other time. “‘This is life eternal,’ says Jesus, — is, not shall be; and then he...
Amazing Grace
I was at an event that was graced by the amazing Bagpipe player Iain Massie who even played for...
My Article in the Christian Science Monitor: Waging Peace
My article titled “Waging Peace” is running today in the Christian Science Monitor’s religious column. Click here to read...
Happy Halloween
Hope you enjoy your holiday! (Check out my newspaper article about Halloween if you missed it last weekend…)